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7 Ways to Repurpose Content for Email Marketing

The content creation process can be time-consuming. Coming up with new ideas and ensuring each original post is better than the last can be overwhelming. But when you learn how to recycle content, it can be a game changer. In this article, we’ll explore how to repurpose content for email marketing and seven ways to do it effectively.

How Repurposing Content Works in Email Marketing

Repurposing content for email marketing simply means taking an existing piece of content from various sources—like blog posts, video content, podcast episodes, and social media content—and adapting it for email. Content repurposing saves time, guarantees consistent branding, and facilitates efficient communication.

When crafting your email marketing campaigns, it’s essential to begin with an engaging introduction that grabs your subscribers’ attention and sets the tone for your message. How to start an email is a critical consideration here, as a compelling opening can make a significant difference in the success of your email marketing efforts.

Let’s look at how repurposing content works in email marketing.




Choose existing content from other marketing channels

Chances are your marketing strategy incorporates multiple channels—this may be your website, social media platforms, or printed copy.

For example, if you sell hosted cloud PBX systems, you probably have YouTube videos explaining the benefits of these cloud-based solutions. This piece of content could be used to engage with potential clients via email. 

Alternatively, you could use popular posts from your Instagram page that have received the most engagement.


Adapt and organize content for email format

To effectively repurpose content for email, first organize your content into key themes—often called content pillars. This can help you focus on marketing goals, bring a sense of organization to your content strategy, and make it easier to adapt content format.

The most common content pillars are:

  • Promotion: High-quality content designed to promote your products and services
  • Education: A type of content intended to be informative or educational for your audience 
  • Connection: Connecting customers to your brand or each other
  • Entertainment: Pieces of content designed purely for entertainment and enjoyment 
  • Inspiration: Thought-provoking content that encourages your audience to take action 


Ensure relevance and timeliness of outreach

Before selecting and sharing existing content, it’s important to consider whether it’s relevant to email subscribers. Moreover, is it relevant at this particular time? 

Keep in mind seasonality, customer behavior, and trends. Have any social or political situations changed the way your content might be received? Do your email subscribers have the same interests and problems as your social media audience?

Considering this, recycling content could be excellent for engaging email subscribers in a timely manner. If you repurpose content quickly, you could even direct recipients to your social platforms and encourage them to take part in a trending hashtag or view “not-to-be-missed” content on other channels.



Transforming Blogs into Interesting Content

Blog content can easily be transformed into engaging emails. There are a few different ways to do this, including: 

  • Creating a roundup email: Send out weekly or monthly email newsletters to drive website traffic and direct customers to your top-performing content. 
  • Send relevant infographics: If your blog is data-driven, create a user-friendly infographic suitable for email, summarizing data from the blog post so it’s easily accessible.

Create an email course: If you consider your blog post to be educational, repurpose the content into an email course. This involves sending a series of “lessons” or even “challenges” to your target audience. These could be summarized versions of your blog posts and signposts to more relevant content.

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